Monday, July 14, 2008

Horses Run Wild

Horses run wild all over the rez, and cattle, sheep and goats also graze free from within the fields. You must be cautious when driving because oftentimes when grazing on the sides of the roads, the cow may decide to cross the road. One night when I was driving home late, I slammed on my brakes to avoid running head-on into a cow crossing the road. I didn't come close to hitting it, but the car behind me was following too closely and had to swerve to avoid crashing into me. It was a close call.

On the dirt road surrounding Dine College in Tsaile, Arizona

In the pine forested area of Tsaile

On the side of the main road in Wheatfields, Arizona

Grazing freely

Cows in St Michaels grazing on the side of the gravel road; I've never gone to St Michaels, Windowrock or Chinle and not seen cows outside the fences next to the road and crossing the highway in some places.

Goats running off the dirt road in Nazlini, Arizona

Cattle in Windowrock, New Mexico next to the election signs. There are cattle guards on every road.

Some more wild ponies in Wheatfields

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